“In the time before humanity, our world was under the rule of a race called the Celestials, whose powers rivaled the gods. They subjected and controlled all aspects of life in our world with their immeasurable magic. To achieve this level of control, they created an artifact called the Origin Archnote. Thus, they replaced the chaos of life with order, until a group of Celestials faction rebelled and brought forth a calamitous war.
The war that lasted centuries brought forth large-scale destruction as magical behemoths clashed. The sheer amounts of primordial chaos that saturated the world after many decades of violence forced the ruling members of the race, who were labeled Demons by the rebels, to partake in a ritual they called the Ascension. Many would choose to sacrifice their souls’ energy to the Origin Archnote in order to summon forth an Archon, a herald of their will to restore all to its rightful state. This turned the tide of the war in the Demons’ favor.
Fighting the Archon directly had been disastrous for the renegades, and forced them to take drastic action to defeat the Archon. The two leaders of the revolutionaries, Cressedea and Helesteus, beseeched their remaining kin to lend them almost all their strength in a final gambit. They would all but lose their power and immortality in this bid to destroy the Archon, but they voluntarily did it. Standing alone but filled with the combined strength of most of their followers, Cressedea launched a final counterattack on the Archon. The battle was hard fought, but Cressedea was still no match for the Archon. The rebellion seemed finished until her brother, Helesteus, revealed this was a distraction to hide their true motives.
Helesteus stepped undetected from the shadows in the great Temple of Origin, hundreds of leagues away. This is where the Origin Archnote was held. With a single empowered arrow, the deceiver shattered the Origin Archnote into ten pieces, breaking the catalyst that held the Archon’s magical form in focus. The Demons were quickly defeated by the twins after the Archon fell. The victorious rebel leaders then used what remained of their strength, and the fragments of the Origin Archnote to seal away the remaining Demons in..."
“Madam, sorry to interrupt, but the council has gathered and awaits your presence,”
said a white haired woman wearing crimson, gold, and black robes - standing at the doorway of the large library. The Madam smiled at her and nodded before turning back to the two dozen children listening to her story. After a short pause, the Madam stood up. Her elegant dress flowing to the floor as she apologized for having to end the story early. The noble born children begged for her to finish, but she shook her head and motioned for the children’s nannies and butlers to come attend their wards. She then departed the room through the entrance where the other woman waited. As the white haired woman began to follow her, the Madam smiled slyly and said, "Kurai, those fortunate souls will be able to witness the true ending to the story soon enough.”